Management Consultancy in Germany. Strategy Consulting. Objective Consulting. Performance Consulting.

“Expect a high ROI from your consulting investment, best quality results and efficient procedures.”

WOLF® Management Consultancy

Strategic consulting, objective consulting and performance consulting for supervisory bodies and management levels

WOLF Management Consultancy: Strategic consulting, objective consulting and performance consulting for supervisory bodies and management levels
WOLF® Management Consultancy: Strategic consulting, objective consulting and performance consulting for supervisory bodies and management levels

WOLF® management consultancy is the Management Board / Advisory Board Consulting Division of I.O. Group® Wolf®.

The team around the graduate economist and graduate psychologist Gunther Wolf provides highly professional consulting services for owners, board members and managing directors, for advisory boards and supervisory boards.

WOLF® management consultants advise supervisory boards and management levels of companies and non-profit organisations in the development, implementation and updating of strategies, strategic systems and the associated instruments.

» Determining and formulating vision, corporate strategies, corporate objectives
» Defining mission statement, guidelines, corporate values
» Alignment of corporate management, corporate culture, leadership

Strategy becomes reality

Clients describe the outstanding characteristics of WOLF® management consultants as the exceptional analysis competence, the professional solution competence as well as the methodical and social implementation competence.

WOLF® management consultants take responsibility: We accompany the implementation of the developed procedures until the targeted project results are realized.

Success through value creation

The overriding goal of WOLF® management consulting is the sustainable creation of value for the client. We ensure measurable improvements in performance, efficiency and effectiveness.

WOLF® management consultants understand value creation as the realization of the highest possible and at the same time sustainable success for the customer. We consistently focus all activities on the implementation of the client’s strategic goals.

Innovation with experience

WOLF® management consultants work in steps that are always coordinated. The client’s satisfaction with the project implementation and with the results achieved is for us the sole indicator of consulting success.

Our working methods are characterized by practical innovations and decades of experience. Expect a high ROI from your consulting investment, best quality results and efficient procedures in the provision of all services.

If you would like to talk with Gunther Wolf or a member of Gunther Wolf’s team, please contact the experts on strategies, goals and performance.

WOLF Management Consultancy

Learn more about WOLF® Management Consultancy

» Results count, people matter: Strategy development and strategy implementation knowledge
» Three decades: Experience in management consulting
» Trailblazing: Innovations of WOLF® Management Consultancy

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WOLF Management Consultancy
Strategic consulting, objective consulting and performance consulting for supervisory bodies and management levels