“The leadership keynote speech by executive speaker Gunther Wolf inspired us all! It was a very valuable keynote speech for managers, a truly captivating keynote on modern leadership and the highlight of this year’s management conference for all of us.”
Employee management strategy, leadership, management strategy
Leadership keynote on future-oriented leadership, retention and performance management
Future-ready leadership as a keynote speech at the Computacenter management conference

What good is an executive speaker or a leadership keynote speech at an executive conference if it doesn’t inspire the audience and impart practical knowledge about future-oriented leadership in an entertaining way? Nothing, because a good leadership speaker must be passionate about their topic: He has to pick up, take along and ignite the executives present with his leadership talk. He must present new insights and methods that offer managers practical benefits.
Executive keynote speaker: Employee leadership keynote speech
When it comes to a leadership lecture where all managers should gain valuable and, above all, practical impulses, Gunther Wolf is a must. For this year’s Computacenter Germany management conference, too, only Gunther Wolf was an option for Director Ralf Metzmaier as a leadership speaker. Especially as he had a special surprise in store for his managers…
Perfect: Top location and top leadership speakerr
The Lufthansa Conference Center in Seeheim is predestined for management conferences: It has state-of-the-art facilities, is centrally located in Germany and also enjoys a relaxing location in the countryside, and is easy to reach by plane, train or car. Anyone who wants to hold a meeting with up to 600 participants and do something good for them in the process will at least include this conference hotel on their shortlist.
Plus a rousing leadership speaker who inspires managers with his keynote speech on employee management. A speaker who speaks from many years of personal leadership experience and imparts valuable knowledge about future-oriented leadership: Then the management conference will be perfect. The top management of the internationally renowned IT service provider Computacenter probably thought so too.
Leadership keynote speech: Future-oriented values for future-oriented leadership
Ralf Metzmaier, Engineering Services Director Germany and France, Authorized Signatory and Head of Group Operations Service Practices at Computacenter: “Computacenter’s business as a leading multi-vendor IT service provider is all about technology. But above all it is about people. Helpfulness, solidarity and trust are core values that are important to us and that we live by.”
Metzmaier continues: “Our approximately 16,000 employees can count on their managers – on the road to success as well as in difficult professional or personal situations. Genuine interest in people is part of what we do, and we treat each other with appreciation, fairness and respect. It’s about being successful together as a team: Winning Together!”
Employee leadership keynote with practical benefits
Gunther Wolf geared his leadership keynote in Seeheim precisely to the practical application of Computacenter’s values and guidelines for employee management. This precise, company-specific tailoring is one of the aspects that make each of his presentations on employee leadership unique. As a matter of principle, the experienced executive speaker coordinates all content, the central theme and the key messages of the leadership keynote with the client.
Another unique selling point is his intensive, personal interaction with the audience. He responds to all requests to speak from the audience, encourages them to join in and flexibly integrates questions and even contradictions into his leadership keynote. Ansgar Bungenstock, Regional Manager at Computacenter, also commented on this: “I’m thrilled! No frontal bombardment, but feedback-oriented, reality-based, lots of examples…”
Interactive executive keynote
With Gunther Wolf as a leadership speaker, nobody switches off: everyone is there, listening, talking and thinking. He weaves in practical examples that are very familiar to everyone from their own leadership experience. The managers recognize immediately: this is one of us. This employee management speaker has experience. The speaker here knows what he is talking about. This not only creates closeness between the speaker and the audience, but also a high level of acceptance for the messages to be conveyed.
Gunther Wolf fascinates audiences with his leadership keynotes. The managers immediately recognize his enormous leadership experience. As a leadership speaker, Wolf inspires managers to break new ground in future-oriented employee management. They benefit from the keynote speaker’s high level of employee management and professional expertise as well as from his practical examples. Gunther Wolf’s leadership presentations last between 15 minutes (as a keynote speech on employee management) and 4 hours (with integrated practical workshop elements).
Possible contents of the speech on future-oriented leadership
- Leadership yesterday, today and tomorrow
- Understanding new demands on employee management
- Which generations want to be managed and how
- Realizing the benefits of future-ready leadership
- Reducing the effort required for employee management
- Finding ways to lead employees emotionally
- Creating motivation and commitment
- Ensuring identification and retention
- Living and communicating corporate values
- Generating high performance teams
- Taking effective action against low performance
- Overcoming pitfalls, hurdles and resistance
- How best to get started as a manager
Each of Gunther Wolf’s leadership keynotes is packed with hard facts, the very latest insights and helpful tips for implementing them in your own area of responsibility. With targeted and correctly dosed punchlines and anecdotes, he anchors the central points of the leadership keynote in the minds of managers and at the same time ensures an intensive exchange during and after the presentation.
For Computacenter, the leadership speaker also makes the connection between emotional employee loyalty and future-ready employee management in his presentation: “If you want to sell successfully, you have to be able to emotionally bind your customers. That’s old sales wisdom. The same applies today: if you want to lead your employees successfully as a manager, you have to be able to retain them on an emotional level.”
Future-oriented leadership is emotional leadership
For Gunther Wolf, future-oriented leadership is primarily emotionally influenced employee management. The emotional level of employee management is largely based on employees identifying with the company and its values. In his own humorous way, he shows how managers can lay, nurture and strengthen this foundation – the shared values mentioned by Director Ralf Metzmaier – in their employees.
And use them: As an executive speaker, Wolf’s arguments are always geared towards the benefits for his audience. This is how he wins the hearts of managers and gets them excited about new approaches to future-ready leadership. He opens them up to innovative management methods that benefit the managers themselves on the one hand and bring higher corporate profits to the client company on the other.
Bestselling book for everyone
Engineering Services Director Ralf Metzmaier had a special surprise in store for the participants of the management conference: Gunther Wolf’s book, which won the German Management Book Award, in an edition specially produced for Computacenter.
These special editions of Wolf’s bestseller are a service provided by Haufe-Lexware Verlag, which is available for orders of 20 copies or more. Based on the original version of the book, the cover is designed in the respective corporate design, the company logo is integrated and a freely selectable text is printed. This speaks directly and personally to the recipient.
Executive keynote with a happy ending
But the participants at the leadership conference wanted more: if book author Wolf is there in person, then he should also sign the book, please. And so, after the presentation, the leadership speaker sat down at a small table and patiently wrote a personal dedication on the first page of the book for anyone who wanted one. For Gunther Wolf, it is a matter of course that he mingles with the managers after every leadership speech, talks to them, asks questions and listens. Would you like to book Gunther Wolf or an expert from our team for a leadership speech or keynote on leadership?
Human resources keynotes: Service links for you
- Interesting: Gunther Wolf’s Experience
- Trailblazing: Innovations
- More: Keynote speech employer attractiveness
We will be happy to send you further participant votes on request, just ask for them. Also, if you would like to book Gunther Wolf or an expert from our team for a human resources speech, please contact the strategy experts.