The book on variable compensation is now in its 6th edition. What is new? Who should read it?
“If you are looking for a book incentive system that offers modern answers to the demands of today’s practice, there is no way around Gunther Wolf’s book payment system.” (Anita Knöller)
Book human resources strategy
Book incentive system: The number one book on payment systems
Gunther Wolfs book on remuneration systems in new edition

This book on incentive systems and incentive-based pay systems comes at exactly the right time. The world of work is in upheaval, old incentive systems are working less and less or no longer at all.
Well-designed incentive systems promote motivation, commitment and agility. Company management, HR business partners and executives, supported by a modern incentive system and a remuneration system that provides incentives, want to achieve more in and with your company.
Gunther Wolf has written the book on incentive and remuneration systems precisely for this group of readers.
All necessary elements of design, introduction, implementation and control are discussed in detail. The reader can expect countless practical examples and many tips from the field.
Book Remuneration systems with incentive effect
Fourteen years after the first publication of Gunther Wolf’s book on incentive systems, he now presents the 6th edition. The strong interest in this topic over all these years undoubtedly reflects the continuously high importance that incentive systems and incentive-based remuneration systems have assumed in business practice as an instrument of employee management and corporate governance.
And yet a small sensation is associated with the new publication, which has been updated and extensively revised: no other book on incentive systems published to date has ever managed to reach a sixth edition. No other book on incentive-based remuneration systems continues to achieve a first place or top ten position in the Amazon bestseller lists. No other book on incentive systems continues to receive so many positive reviews and ratings.
Awarded author
This could be due to the clear and concise language with which Gunther Wolf explains the relevant facts, points out possible difficulties and names solutions to known problems. Not least for the high practical relevance of his remarks, he has already received the German Management Book Award.
But this may also have something to do with the fact that the author is well acquainted with all the methods and procedures from his many years of practice. He has been working as a management consultant and expert for incentive systems nationally and internationally since 1994. In contrast to many new work gurus, he does not simply throw traditional incentive systems overboard, as long as they still work successfully as incentives. On the one hand, he therefore describes in his book remuneration systems that have proven themselves.
Proven incentive systems in the book
On the other hand, it examines very precisely which current and foreseeable future changes in the world of work must be taken into account. He systematically derives which changes are necessary in the area of incentive systems. He includes digitization and automation, New Work, Next Work and Agile with Scrum, Design Thinking, Lean & Co.
The incentive system expert takes into account the demographic upheavals and the change of power in the labour markets. This is because the new generations of employees are entering working life with new value priorities and different ideas about incentive systems. Strengthened by the dominant power constellation on the labour market, they are bringing their own ideas of working hours, place of work, work organisation and pay into the companies.
New incentive systems in the book
According to Gunther Wolf, all this cannot and must not remain without effects on management methods and management instruments. Incentive-based remuneration systems are also not excluded. He therefore considers it necessary to update his book on remuneration systems once again; it “shows me that the development of incentive systems is continuing and will probably not be completed that quickly.”
Book incentive systems: What does the 6th edition offer?
The book was completely revised and updated by Gunther Wolf. He has written new chapters on how to take new requirements and demographic changes into account. The book now contains 54 illustrations (previously: 34). More practical cases have been added, so that there are now 33 (previously: 30) short practical cases and one practice case discussed in detail in the book. 267 pages. » View now!
In the book, the incentive system expert shares his knowledge extensively with the reader. His practical experience is based on work for countless companies. The spectrum ranges from globally positioned corporations to tradition-conscious medium-sized companies and energetic start-ups. The reader can expect a minimum of theoretical explanations and a maximum of tangible and practice-oriented solutions. The entire structure of the book follows the typical procedure of a project for the introduction or updating of an incentive-based remuneration system.
The somewhat different payment system book
The reader takes many tips and hints from this book on charging systems with him, in order to be able to face all challenges in implementation with the necessary preparedness. Gunther Wolf discusses all necessary elements of design, introduction, implementation and control.
The reader takes insights into the effects of highly modern innovations in the field of remuneration systems from the book, for example the if-then connection, multi-target systems, objective optimization or the agile team incentive method. He becomes acquainted with innovative techniques with the help of which he can reduce the effort for all participants and enormously improve the benefits of the incentive system.
Incentive system book: Service links for you
- Interesting: Gunther Wolf’s Experience
- Trailblazing: Innovations
- Order: View at Amazon
If you would like to talk to Gunther Wolf or an expert from our team about modern incentive systems and incentive-based remuneration systems, please contact the performance experts. Also, if you would like to book Gunther Wolf for a workshop, seminar or speech on incentive systems, please contact the performance experts.