“The strategy workshop with Gunther Wolf was a very special experience – and I mean that in a positive way. Very tight and yet entertaining, challenging and at the same time moderated in detail for everyone, extremely fruitful, many new insights and food for thought.” (Margit Moosbacher)
We’d like to thank all our customers for making our experience possible.
Management consulting references: Our customers
What customers, clients and participants say about Gunther Wolf and his team

References, customer opinions, client satisfaction and participant comments on consulting mandates, consulting projects, lectures, seminars and workshops are very important to Gunther Wolf and his team. WOLF Managementberatung has no sales department: we live exclusively from the many recommendations of our customers.
The clients of WOLF Managementberatung are primarily owners and proprietors, executive and managing directors, advisory and supervisory boards. They demand highly professional consulting services in the areas of corporate management, strategy development, strategy implementation as well as goal and performance consulting.
Clients expect from the graduate economist and psychologist Gunther Wolf and his team company-specific solutions for their business challenges.
They expect innovative systems, methods and instruments that have proven successful in practice. They expect expert advice, competent implementation, inspiring presentations and workshops with a strong impact.
Our customers are sacred to us
WOLF Managementberatung has consistently oriented itself towards its customers. Whether startup, foundation, micro-enterprise, SME, mid-sized company, large company, DAX company, group structure, public administration or non-profit organization: we know the particularities of all types of companies, stages of development and company sizes very well.
No industry is foreign to us. We focus on what makes economic sense and is actually feasible, with a focus on sustainable value creation for customers and clients. On the basis of our many years of structural and industry experience, we gear our procedures precisely to your requirements and profit targets.
Some management consulting references
What customers say about our projects, workshops and Gunther Wolf’s lectures
“Gunther Wolf gives numerous suggestions and practical examples of how employee retention can succeed.” (Christian Lindner MdB, Federal Chairman of the FDP)
“Mr. Wolf completely inspired our 300 participants! There is only one word that describes him: Grandiose.” (Elke Schmidt, employers’ associations)
“Very good, experienced and successful treatment of a difficult topic!” (Wolfgang Balmes, Member of the Board of Directors of the Dental Accounting Society AG)
“Gunther Wolf – very competent and yet very likeable. Very good presentation style. Absolute professional.” (Silvia Burgmaier, Head of Human Resources MR PLAN)
“The seminar with Gunther Wolf as speaker really inspired me! The form of the lecture was very well adapted, questions and problems of understanding were dealt with, very good thought-provoking impulses and – by the way – high entertainment value.” (Heinke Martina Andres, Managing Director EVG Landwege)
“Overall grade for speaker Gunther Wolf and the seminar: Very good. Especially good were the many practical examples and the high level of reference to practice, including real examples, as well as the attention to individual problems or topics.” (Thorsten Warnke, Managing Director IWP Engineers)
“The training ‘Target Agreements’ and the speaker Gunther Wolf inspired me! Practical, humorous, good participant retention, appreciative, the content is very well oriented towards the heterogeneous group, crisp and free of platitudes.” (Michael Haase, GPR chairman and internal trainer, Lower Saxony State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Family)
“The feedback of the participants of the RKW AG “Finance and Accounting / Controlling” to the lecture of Gunther Wolf on Performance Management was very good. His strong focus on the practical applicability of the Performance Management System and instruments such as the Funnel Model or Wolf’s Onion should be emphasized.” (Dr. Ralf Wiebe, Technical Director of the working group “Finance and Accounting, Controlling” at RKW)
“Gunther Wolf has inspired me! Wolf is a competent expert with a lot of practical experience. He deals with problems and tasks individually.” (Gerhard Schneider, commercial management Suhrkamp Verlag AG)
“Mr Wolf, your professional competence and your personality have convinced me. I have never experienced so much knowledge combined with so much humour!” (Karin Römhild, Managing Director DELONGCARE)
“Practical experience paired with profound knowledge of the topic ’employees’, spiced up with a lot of humour. This sums up Mr. Wolf’s presentation style and content in a nutshell. The participants of the ‘Employee Retention’ event in Rüsselsheim went home satisfied, with many ideas in their pockets and a smile on their faces. The lecture was a real gain.” (Birgit Wiese, business development of the city of Rüsselsheim)
“Gunther Wolf is just the right person for our event series “Employee Retention: Apply. Inspire. Binding.” His specialist knowledge and experience, coupled with his pleasant and lively presentation style, involve the participants from the very first moment and offer real added value. This is underlined by the high number of participants, the positive feedback and the lively networking afterwards.” (Dorothee Reiser, Managing Director, Personalwerk Communications GmbH)
“Gunther Wolf was the keynote speaker at our Entrepreneur Forum. The many positive feedbacks of the guests confirm our positive impression of Mr. Wolf’s presentation.” (Peter Vogel, Chairman of the Management Board of Sparkasse Tauberfranken)
“A successful, entertaining event with lots, lots of input and plenty of “food for thought” for the coming days and weeks!” (Christiane Füllgraf, Head of Human Resources Thomas Philipps GmbH & Co. KG)
“A ‘very good’ for the seminar on target agreement and variable remuneration systems with Gunther Wolf! Particularly good: The practical examples, the individual approach to all questions, fun, very good visualization.” (Dirk Lehmkühler, Authorized signatory / Human Resources Manager TKM)
“A ‘very good’ for Gunther Wolf. Especially good: Practical applicability, interesting preparation, presentations with humour. I felt well picked up.” (Martina Heymer, Director Administrative Functions tesa Labtec GmbH)
“Pleasant and relaxed design of the training, very good integration of the current topics and cases of the participants!” (Robert Flügge, Managing Director advanto Software)
“Gunther Wolfs Outdoor Corporate Program exceeded our expectations. It is the best post merger integration tool.” (Carlos Perez, Division Manager General Motors)
“Reliable program management, clear communication, goals exceeded in the individual projects, overall time and cost budget undershot: Mr. Wolf and his team deserve a ‘very good with a star’!” (Matthias Bender, Management Becker GmbH & Co. KG)
“I really enjoyed the decision-makers’ workshop and Gunther Wolf as moderator. I would like to emphasize the way in which the moderation and the technical presentation were conducted, the understanding of the content and the creation of a good, results-oriented working atmosphere.” (Dr. Kai Marquardt, CFO Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH)
“Very good training – keep it up!” (Mark Poppeck, Managing Director advanto Software)
“Gunther Wolf has inspired me!” (Peter Koske, managing director of the service company at Klinikum Ernst von Bergmann)
“The strategy workshop with Gunther Wolf was a very special experience – and I mean that in a positive way. Very tight and yet entertaining, challenging and at the same time moderated in detail for everyone, extremely fruitful, many new insights and food for thought. High competence and sovereignty in the application of methods. High commitment, high dedication: in the end, everyone had the feeling that they were part of the process. The workshop took the cooperation of the management level to a new level. A big thank you from the entire Extended Management Board!” (Margit Moosbacher, Karl Müller GmbH)
“Gunther Wolf has inspired me a lot, because he manages the balancing act of a result-oriented and at the same time relaxed atmosphere. He has recognized the views and differences of the operating parties and on this basis has proposed solutions that bring both sides together. These were often better than the previous proposals – and this also applies to both sides. Management and works council have come a long way towards each other and a result is now tangible. Thank you, Mr Wolf! PS: Documents, presentation style, professional competence, practical relevance, etc.: Everything top!” (Armin Müller, Works Council)
“I am thrilled with Gunther Wolf and his leadership training! Especially by the flexible structure and the response to all individual questions of the participants.” (Peter Bruckmüller, Managing Director Spectra)
“Overall rating for the seminar and the trainer Gunther Wolf: very good. Lively, practical presentation style, high competence of the trainer.” (Christiane Doll, member of the management of Motor Press Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG)
More management consulting references
We regard the highest level of satisfaction of customers and clients – with the project implementation and with the results achieved – as the basis for solid customer relationships. This applies to all our services. We do not only want to satisfy our clients, we want to inspire them.
For Gunther Wolf, it is above all the customers and their trust to whom WOLF Managementberatung owes the possibility of developing and implementing effective solutions for their strategic challenges.
We want to inspire you too!
Your cooperation with us is characterized by trust, a sense of responsibility and great commitment. For this reason, we will be happy to provide you with exactly the right references with contact persons and contact details after an initial meeting. Please make an appointment with the experts on strategies, goals and performance.
Learn more about WOLF Management Consultancy
» Results count, people matter: Strategy development and strategy implementation knowledge
» Three decades: Experience in management consulting
» Trailblazing: Innovations of WOLF Management Consultancy